Thursday, April 11, 2013

Report From Our NWDS Participant

We hosted a NWDS Hometown event to send someone to the beg event in Vegas.
That person was Howard M, and he sent a report of his experience:

Fantastic tournament!  LOTS of darts. Very tiring!  Very, very tough field indeed!

I barely missed the cut but I think I had a tough bracket.  Timmy Nicoll said that I was actually ahead of him going into the last 2 rounds but he finished strong since his last two opponents had pretty much given up by then.  Allen Nutter was the wild card in our group, excellent player and he shot very well.  I only made top 16 in the consolation and wasn't very happy with that.  Should have done better.

Overall it was a great trip and I'm so glad I went.  Had a great time and definately learned a lot.  Thanks again for hosting the hometown event for us.  It's a great way to get players out to these big events.  Only way to learn!
