The Fall 2015 season schedule is now
posted, There are two schedule patterns, one for the metro division and one for the rest of the league. As always you can use the schedule generator to show you your team's matches for the entire season, or use the quick view link each week to display the upcoming week's matches. For Tuesday September 1st, that will be:
Metro has Week 1 on 9/1
- BYE at Tackles West Side Boys
- Sunset Lanes Bulls Deep at McGinnity's Stepchildren
- Mulconry's Pride Guys at Dog House Dirty Kids
Division A has Week 1 on 9/1
- Corner Sports Bar Island of Misfit Toys at Sunset Cut Men
- McGinnity's Gunners at McGinnity's Lebowski
Division B has Week 1 on 9/1
- Mulconry's Highlanders at Mulconry's Let's Be Ins
- Long Pond Point Mongers at Bathtub Billy's Dart Bags
Division C has Week 1 on 9/1
- Dog House Woodchucks at Tap & Mallet Bulls Deep
- Bathtub Billy's Army of the 12 Monkeys at Long Pond Dirty Words
Division D has Week 1 on 9/1
- Carroll's Cork Club at Carroll's Cork Soakers
- McGinnity's Snipers at Mayfields Mayhem